5 ways to Maximize Your Mastermind Experience 


Masterminds are groups of entrepreneurs who come together in mutually assured growth and focus on their small businesses. Masterminds are becoming more popular with small businesses every day simply because they work. Building a business by yourself can feel like crossing the Atlantic in a bathtub. But masterminds helps your business set sail to success by giving you a place where you can lean on business-owners who are in a similar boat.

Masterminds above all provide you with a sense of accountability, regular connection, and a confidential place to discuss challenges and successes your business faces. Where people fail is not maximizing every second and opportunity given to them from a mastermind session. This could cost your business precious time and dollars. 

Here are the 5 most important ways to make sure that you squeeze every ounce of success from your mastermind experience.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world – Margaret Mead

 1. Be Prepared for your mastermind


Before the meeting.

Masterminds are interactive and your participation in the conversations is an important part of the experience. What you give to a Mastermind is equal or more to what you take out of it. That’s why it is crucial to be prepared before any meeting

Before any mastermind session, you’re given a heads up on the topics and what to prepare prior to the meetings. Clear some time in your schedule before the meeting to read through the materials and information provided thoroughly. Complete any tasks, and to think about how the topic is relevant for you. You may want to prepare questions, think of examples, or stories of your own experience. 

After the meeting

Make sure that none of your time in a mastermind is in vain. It’s important to keep track of what you learned from the experience. Shortly after the meeting, create a chunk of time to review your notes and reflect on the conversation. Write down what you took out of the experience, good and bad, and write down what you would like to see for the future. You may want to pick up some new books, read some articles, try out a new app or program or to engage more with someone on the topic.

Take the time to think about how you want the conversation to inform your actions going forward. 

2. Connect & share


Masterminds create community, your pack. You are no longer a lone-wolf in the business world, but you are now travelling the road with your fellow members. 

Connect with them on social media, comment on and share their posts when appropriate. Connect on the channels provided by the mastermind, and through other channels as appropriate. Meet other members for coffee if possible, or send an email to someone who said something that resonated with you. If you thought of a resource after the fact, send out a message to the group. The more connected the group, the deeper the conversations, so connect between meetings!

 3. Be all shades of you 


Even for its shyest members, masterminds work best when everyone participates and shares their story. Remember that everyone is there for the same reasons as you. There is no right, no wrong, there is only conversation and connection. Show up as you in all conversations. If you’re having a great day, share it! And, if you’re feeling challenged, share that too. The more transparent you are, the more you build trust and rapport with your other members.

Have a question? Ask it. Have a concern? Voice it. We want you, all of you, to be involved in the conversation. Talking about what is real for you, what affects you, what matters to you.

4. Be present during masterminds


Great leaders are ones who can turn off the static and remain in the moment. Building on the above, be present and engaged. Turn all distractions off, put up your “do not disturb” sign and settle in for an engaging and informative conversation. Practice active listening by asking questions to clarify your understanding of others’ information and comments. Share your experience openly and thank others for doing the same. Remember that everything said in a Mastermind is confidential so respect the privacy of others by not being on social media when someone is talking. 

No matter how many times you’ve heard this Sunday school proverb as a kid, always apply the golden rule: do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

5. Be open during masterminds 


It can be challenging for small business owners to be open to new ideas, especially when they are experts in their crafts. But masterminds work best when people from all different walks of life come together to tackle a problem. When you allow yourself to be open to new ideas and experiences unfamiliar to you, then you may find solutions to your problems. Make sure to add your own expertise as well. 

Be open to new ideas, new ways of thinking, new connections and new opportunities. You never know where it can take you!



Where many masterminds fail is a lack of focus and commitment with its members. A team is only as strong as its weakest link. The biggest way to prevent any insecurities from showing up in your team is how you yourself show up a mastermind.  You may not be able to control others but you can lead by example for how people conduct themselves during a meeting. By being prepared, open, and present, you are not only allowing yourself a more productive experience, but you are helping others as well. 


Masterminds are a wonderful opportunity to leverage the experience and knowledge of a group of people. Start applying these steps to your next mastermind session and let us know if you see any key changes in your sessions. Apply here to start your mastermind journey with us.