Business Planning Course & A Coach – Business Planning for Business Owners

$ 999.99

Having a plan for your business is critical. Create your plan with the help of this business planning course and one of our experienced business coaches.



Are you looking for some help with your business planning, and not sure which course, if any, is right for you? Are you tired of spending money on online courses and not being able to get feedback or help in prioritizing or implementing your ideas?

You are not alone! Taking online courses on your own is often an excercise in frustration if you’re are left wading through the material all on your own.

Business planning is a critical part of growing your business. Knowing where you are and where you want to go is an important planning function that all business owners should do at least once a year. It doesn’t have to be a 400 page written masterpiece, it just needs to be a comprehensive look at your business and how to position yourself for growth. It’s a living document that you use to check back in on regularly to ensure you are on track to achieving your goals.

Our Business Planning Course & A Coach option provides you with the opportunity to take our Business Planning Course and download the workbooks. Then, we match you with one of our business coaches for 2 90 minute, personalized conversations that will help you apply the knowledge and skill to create your plan for your business

Our Business Planning Course & A Coach helps you to look at all areas of your business, from sales & marketing to logistic and finances. Working with your coach will help you to step back to look objectively at your business, will provide you with a sounding board for new ideas, and will help to ensure that you are working ON your business.

How Business Planning Course & A Coach works:

When you purchase this course you’ll get full access to our Business Planning Course online. Once you’ve downloaded the worksheets and completed the course you will be prompted to book your coaching conversations with your coach.

Once we receive notification you’ve completed the coursework, your coach will collect your completed workbooks and ask questions to determine what to cover with you in your upcoming conversation. That way, your time with your coach will be focused on what creates the most impact for your business.

We’re here to help you build your business!

(This course is highly recommended for all business owners.)